Welcome New and Returning Dowling Catholic Band Students and Families

Welcome to the official Dowling Catholic Bands website.  This is your online information hub for both students and families.

Registration for band students is available on line, please visit the PARENTS link above the photo.

Welcome and we look forward to an amazing year together.

Curious about the name VANGUARD?  Follow the ENSEMBLES link above and read about all the musical groups and activities your student may participate in.  P.S.  Vanguard is the name of the marching band.

Who What When Where?

The CALENDAR link above takes you to a real-time calendar that shows you band and school activities.  These calendars are updated by band and school faculty in real time.  You can also add these calendars to your own personal calendar — or ask your techie guru for help on how to do that.

The two most important dates to know now?

Your registration must be complete by May 29 (Monday)

Attend the June meeting

New members:  June 12

Returning members:  June 26